Customer Testimonials
Happy Customers

We always endeavour to provide our customers with exactly want they want. Here are a few Testimonials from those who thought we suceeded!
"We had a lovely day at the Glebe Hall and I will spread the word about all it offers to groups and organisations. Thank you for providing such a lovely venue."

"One of the best local village halls with a nice atmosphere. Everyone enjoys being there."

"We found everything to do with the hall very good. People commented on how good the set-up was and what a nice hall it was."

"The booking clerk is great – very good at replying to all emails with lots of information. "

"Will be using again. A very good idea to have the key in a key press."

"Fantastic facility, will recommend and use again in the future".

"I would definitely book again for another function."

"Just to say the party was very successful and the hall is lovely, perfect size for what we needed. Thank you, will definitely consider for future use.

"We had a great time and you have a super hall and well equipped, congratulations to you and your committee."
"Thank you so much for your service the kids had an amazing time.It was great doing business with you."

"Many thanks for another wonderful party in the hall, it's really a good venue. See you next year... "

"Everyone enjoyed the evening and a lot of them commented on what an amazing hall it was. Many thanks for your help "
Winterbourne Glebe Hall in Salisbury Wiltshire